Monday, February 11, 2013

7 Months Old

I can't believe my little baby turned 7 months old this week.  He is sitting up so well on his own, and doing everything other babies his age are doing.  This includes cutting teeth.  His first tooth cut through his gums the day before his 7 month birthday and his second tooth is visible right under the gums.  Yay for being caught up to his birth age peers rather than gestational age peers!
As soon as I got the camera out, Clara had to join in the photo shoot.  I know this is blurry, but I love the smiles both my kids have in this shot.
I love this picture.  Jeremy let him play with an unopened bag of peanut M&Ms and Joe went to town.  As you can see, he was using his feet, hands, and mouth to check out that brightly colored, cool sounding bag.
I have secretly been obsessed with Joseph's feet since the day he was born.  For any one who knows me well, they know how odd it is that I would actually like someone's feet.  So I had to include this picture in the blog.

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