Monday, June 16, 2014

John Beck Reunion

Due to some extenuating circumstances, Jeremy's immediate family reunion was bumped from Aug to June this year.  We only got to spend one day together for the reunion, but it was packed full of fun things!
People were practicing their golf swing, and had a great coach helping them improve too!
We got to play water baseball.  Clara didn't want to play at first, but then I told her that I would help her.  We hit the ball together and ran around the bases together.  She even got to score some points.  A little while after the game she said, "I sure am good at this baseball thing, even if it's tiring."
We then had a water balloon volleyball game.  Clara thought that game was much easier than baseball.
While the big kids were playing volleyball, Joe and Spencer had fun playing catch back and forth.  I guess they got tired though and decided to just hang out next to each other.
We got to make fruit loop necklaces,
as well as homemade ice cream.  Clara and Emily took turns throwing the ice cream bag back and forth to mix it up.
There was also plenty of time to play with rocks!
The Beck Clan:
We had a great day, thanks Mike and Genevieve for all your hard work in getting this together!  We'll all miss you when you leave for work, but are so grateful you have such a wonderful opportunity.

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