My family came into town this last week. They ended up leaving earlier than planned due to an early arrival of a snow storm. However, the one day they were here, we drove up to the Salt Lake Cemetery. I was so glad we chose to go that day because we wouldn't have done it otherwise. I had no idea that so many of my relatives were buried in that cemetery. I've gone so many times, and never bothered to look up my name. However, my little brother just got done with a family history class at BYU-Idaho. So he knew which relatives were buried there. We went during office hours so that they could help us locate the graves. With several maps in hand, we went searching. With all the snow, most of the headstones were buried, so it really was a treasure hunt of sorts trying to scrape the snow off. But we found every one we were looking for, which was quite the task. We even happened to see the head stone of relatives we weren't looking for! It was such a fun day. All together we saw the head stones for 13 relatives, but I won't put all of those on our blog.
So here is a little family history to go along with the pictures that I will share. My father is Daniel Zachreson, his father is Glen Zachreson, his father is Carl Zachreson (who is the last Zachreson to be buried in Salt Lake.)

Here is a picture of my mom, sister, brother, and daughter in front of Carl's head stone.

Carl's father is Emil Zachreson.

And Emil's father is Matthias Zachreson. Matthias was born in Sweden and was one of the Saints that traveled from their homeland to Salt Lake city. Matthias was also the first Zachreson. Matthias's father was Zacharias Anderson, hence the name Zachreson. Before Matthias, the last names kept changing depending on the father's first name.

For New Year's, we had a couple over for dinner and games. They have a little boy who is Clara's age and also a 4 month old girl. Clara was very entertained by both little kids. She was such a little mom to baby Shayna. She kept giving Shayna toys and covering her up with blankets. She would also lay down right next to her and talk to her saying things like: "Cute baby. Pretty baby. Hi Baby." She also had a blast with Taylor. The two of them just ran in circles for about 1/2 an hour and were loving that they had someone to run with them. The adults had a ball playing wii, card games, and watching a movie. What a fun way to bring in the new year!
I also have made more hair bows this week. I was looking for a way to use some skinnier ribbon, so I had a friend show me how to make them differently from how I made them before. I tried her way, but it was too difficult for me, so I used her way to make a simpler pattern, and I think it worked out well.

The New Year also brought a new calling for me. I am now a Sunbeam teacher. They moved me up with my nursery kids. There were so many of them that they needed to make 2 Sunbeam classes. So they needed 2 new teachers for the new class. I get to be one of those teachers and get to teach 1/2 of my nursery class again this year.
I need to go do Family History like that too! :)
Hey, I know how to make the bows that your friend showed you - and let me just say if you practice first with a thicker ribbon, (It's easier to do those bunching or folds) then it becomes easier with the thinner ribbon. It takes a LOT of practice. I have made oh at least 100 I would say. And I remember it being difficult at first. Also, did she teach you to use a wire (clothy covered) to hold it all together? Cause then you can "adjust it and fluff it to perfection" cause the wire is your hands and then you have enough :) Anyways, there is another type that I make with thin ribbon that is sew method. The thinner the ribbon on this one the better. Basically it is small stitch - HUGE 1 inch stitch - small - Huge - over and over again for about 1/2 a yard of ribbon. Then PULL from both sides of the string and it will bunch up like a present bow. Tie it off and Glue her down. Super easy - takes a little time but is fer cute on pony tails etc. Let me know if you are interested and I can take a pic and send it for you. :) I love the cute ribbon you have! I am a recovering ribbon addict really. :)
CARL Zachreson?
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