Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy Anniversary

Jeremy and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary this last week. So much has happened in these last 4 years. Jeremy has had 6 different jobs and is looking for his 7th. We've lived in 3 different apartments. We've gone from a family of 2 to a family of 3. And there are several other changes. But there are some things that haven't changed either. He still tells me I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. We can still make each other laugh. We can still make each other feel giddy. We can still calm each other down. I'm so glad I chose to marry Jeremy!The other night, we were driving in Lehi. Many times Lehi smells like livestock. Jeremy and I were making small talk about the current stink. Clara, overhearing our conversation, said, "Clara stinky." Usually that means she needs her diaper changed. Upon questioning her further she said, "Mommy, Clara stinky. Daddy stinky stinky too." Apparently she thought were were the cause of the stink. After all, were were the only one in the car! :)

Clara also loves to wear Daddy's hats. Her favorite one is a hat he got from Christmas that has sunglasses built in. I love her poses when she wears that hat.


Nici said...

Happy Anniversary! Our 6 year was yesterday! :)

Kent said...

Happy Anniversary!!

Angie Miller said...

Sawah stinky?

AmbertheGreat said...

Happy Anniversary, let me know when I can watch Clara so you guys can go on a date!