Monday, February 27, 2012

Sunday Evening

Sunday Evenings at our house has started to be Clara's dance recital night.  She has us put on music - that can't have any words, and then she dances and dances while Jeremy and I get to watch.  So this is what we did last night:

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Valentine's Day

We had a wonderful Valentine's Day.  We made cupcakes the night before and delivered them to some neighbors.  Clara was so excited to help decorate and give out these cupcakes.
We gave Clara a heart necklace for Valentine's Day that morning.  She insisted on wearing a dress and looking perfect for this special day.
Then Clara got to go to preschool and have a Valentine's Day Party.  She brought home this cookie she decorated.
Later on in the week, I had a tea party with Clara, and she insisted that I take a picture.  She also insisted that I be both a waiter, chef, and customer.  Boy was that challenging!
  • Clara wanted me to put the lid back on her chocolate milk.  "Make it tight, Mom.  Remember, 'lefty lucy, righty tighty'."  When I asked her where she learned that, she simply said, "Curious George."
  • Clara frequently wants us to look at something she's doing while we are driving.  I often tell her that I can't look, or we'll get into a crash.  One day she happened to ask me to look while I was at a stop sign, so I looked back.  As soon as I had done so, she said, "Mom, you can't look, we'll crash!"

Monday, February 13, 2012


It feels like I'm busy all the time, but I've hardly taken pictures this week.  I was able to take 1 picture a day, so to see those, look at my picture blog.

Other than that, I've done a lot of baby sitting, a lot of play dates for Clara, and very little cleaning.  I'm good at keeping my house picked up, but there are some sinks that seriously need cleaning, carpets that need vacuuming, and shelves that need dusting.  Oh well.

Maybe next weeks post will be more exciting....

Monday, February 6, 2012


3 couples got together this week and learned how to make sushi!  I've been looking forward to this night since New Years.  (That's when we were last together and decided to learn how to make sushi together.)  Sushi (without the raw fish) is one of my most favorite things to eat, and now I can make it myself.  I also ate inari for the first time that night and enjoyed it too.

Jeremy was such a good sport for going too.  He is not a fan of sushi, and that was all that was on the menu!  I'm glad he had a good time, and even enjoyed the rice and things without putting it in seaweed or in inari pockets.

I was loving my sushi so much that I totally forgot to take a picture of it! :(  But here are other pictures from the evening.
  • Clara  was playing with a toy turtle, came up to me, and said, "The turtle can't speak to me, and he can't talk either."