Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Memorial Day Weekend

We spent Saturday with the Becks at the annual Cemetery hopping and family BBQ.  We started out at the American Fork Cemetery followed by Lehi, Bountiful, and Salt Lake.  We then ended the day at John and Sharon's for a BBQ.
The Lehi Cemetery is where Beth Cooper Beck is located.  Both Clara and Joe's middle names come from her.
Clara also gets her name from Beth's sister, Clara.  She is buried at the SLC cemetery.
Jack wanted to sit on every headstone he could.
Joe didn't really want to get his picture taken, so when we got this one, I was thrilled.  I love Joe's smile!
And our little Jack was getting tired of all the grass, so Uncle Eric helped us out by carrying him for us.  Jack loves being on people's shoulders.
Since we ended with the SLC cemetery, as all the Beck's headed to John and Sharon's we spent a little more time at the cemetery to see some of my ansestors.  Here are my paternal great grandparents.  My dad was only 4 months old when his grandpa passed away, and his grandmother wasn't alive when he was born.
Elmer is my Dad's uncle.  My family would always stop in to visit Uncle Elmer any times they came to visit me at BYU.  He was quite the character and I was sad that we only started getting to know him towards the end of his life.
My kids were definitely ready to relax and little bit and couldn't wait for the BBQ.  We ended up staying pretty late that night playing games with Eric, Amy, John, and Sharon.  How I do love playing card games with the Becks!

On Monday, we decided to head to Seven Peaks for the day.  It had been a long winter and my kids were so excited to spend the day in the water.  We didn't get any pictures, but I can tell it's going to be a fun summer!

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