We've been able to get a lot of cleaning done this week. I love being able to tackle big projects that I've been meaning to get to for a long time. Since Jeremy has been home, he's been able to entertain Clara while I spend hours cleaning. It's been nice to get so organized!
What is it about a pony tail that makes my little girl look so grown up?
The job will come I am sure. Way to get stuff done! I am sure it feels wonderful! I have got a few things done this week too - but there is STILL a list a mile long! :)
Look at that hair! It seems like she was just a baby last time we saw her!
Glad Jeremy is having lots of interviews and is actively looking for a job. It takes a little while to land those good paying jobs. He will get one though that will support your family and have benefits, I'm sure!
Clara's hair is so long now and she is such a cute, smart girl. (And I don't think I'm prejudiced at all! :)
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