Monday, July 20, 2015

Jackson is 4 Months Old!

This has been a super emotional week.  As we've talked to different people that had their children on oxygen for longer than normal, it seemed to be that 4 months was the magical time frame.  Since we've been giving him steroids to help his lungs grow, and he hit 4 months, I just knew he would be off oxygen this week.  The phone call telling us he still failed was a very hard day for me.  But I'm getting over it and so here are some things to celebrate:
This little cutie is now 4 months old:
He loves his feet.  He will kick and kick all day long.  He also loves to get his feet up in the air to play with his toys.  I'm amazed at how good he is at controlling his feet.  We put him into a sitting position the other day and he still wanted to get those little toes in the air!
He'll use his hands to grab things and hold on for dear life.  It seriously feels like a death grip every time he grabs something.  That includes his oxygen tubes.  His tendergrips (the band aid looking things on his cheeks) used to last about 5 days before they started to come off.  Now that Jack grabs his tubes and pulls as hard as he can, they are coming off every 2 days.  Which means his cheeks are a lot more red when they do come off.
He has the best giggle.  He usually is pretty easy to get to laugh too.  He was at his 4 month check up this week and kept giggling at his Dr while the doctor was just doing routine things.
Another good thing about this week is that instead of having to wait another 4 weeks to get any updates (which is what the original plan was,) we get to do more testing to see if we can figure out what is really going on with his lungs.  So we'll have a couple of different tests done in the next 2 weeks and then we meet with the lung specialist again to go over the test results and make a new game plan.
As we were getting registered for one of the tests that need to be done, we were told that we only had $20 left before we met Jackson's out of pocket expenses and only $100 left for the family.  So if any more tests are needed or anyone else in our family needs to be ill, now is the time to do it!

And so the other kids don't feel left out, here's a pic of all my kiddos:
And this was a conversation I overheard my oldest two having:
Clara: You are a little goo-goo baby
Joe: No I'm not
Clara: yes you are, you are such a cute little baby
Joe: Do you hear me talking?  See, I'm talking.  Babies can't talk, so I can't be a baby!

Well said Joe, way to use deductive reasoning already!

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