One of the blessings I've received this week is help at the grocery store. I was carting around 2 little girls (11 months and 4 months). Clara was in the cart, while I was carrying Addi in the baby bijorn. I hadn't gone grocery shopping in about 2 weeks, so there was a lot of needed items to get. By the time I was in the check out line, I had Clara crying because it was her nap time. Addi had fallen asleep, but she was getting heavy, and Clara was pulling on her so that I would put Addi down and pick her up. All of this was going on while I was trying to unload the cart. I'm sure those with more than 2 kids are laughing, because I would imagine trips to the grocery store get worse as you add a kid. Anyway, at the end of the line, the bagger asked if I wanted help out. That usually doesn't happen anymore, and I about started crying tears of gratitude right there in the store. I accepted his offer, and I was able to get the girls buckled up while he put in the groceries. I felt so grateful for that bagger.
Another blessing I received this week was the gift of going to the temple. My wonderful friend Aubrey left her busy schedule last Saturday and came to babysit Clara for 3 hours while Jeremy and I went to the temple. I love going to the temple. It gives me the rejuvenation I need when I am feeling worn out. I came home wonderfully happy with life and my little family. Thanks Aubs for being willing to watch our little Clara for us!
Another blessing this week is a wonderful husband. Jeremy is a wonderful husband all the time, but one day this week I was feeling particularly down. I am realizing that I still haven't lost any of the weight I put on during pregnancy and Clara will almost be a year old. I was getting frustrated with myself for not being able to fit into very many of the pants that I own. I was near tears all day. At one point Jeremy, out of the blue, told me I was beautiful. I again broke down in tears of gratitude. I am so grateful for a husband who sees my inner beauty (and my outer beauty) and not the pounds or stretch marks I've gained. I am so lucky to have Jeremy as my husband.
Of course another blessing for today is a wonderful little girl. Every time she smiles at me, she makes me happy. My life would not be fulfilled without her.
Hey Sarah,
Thanks for that post. I too have been experiencing motherly frustrations. I am going to look up that talk.
Your attitude is an inspiration.
McKay always stops doing whatever I got the camera for too! Especially the video camera! Little stinkers!
Isn't it interesting how often the Lord's hand is in our lives when we take the time to look for it? What a wonderful reminder to continue to look for those little (and big) things.
Nice post!
Beautiful post, Sarah. Thank you for sharing those uplifting thoughts. I want to try that--writing down when I see instances of the Lord's hand in my life.
Don't feel too bad about the baby weight. I'm right there with ya!
What a wonderful post. It has inspired me and I would like to try that. Isn't it amazing what sticks out to us during conference? I think that each person gets out of Conference what they are needing. However, you sharing his talk and your experience of journaling in that regard has inspired me to do that as well. I need to remember all the things that I am blessed with.
You reminded me of a happy time at the grocery store. I have had many days like the ones described. Mine being 19 months apart. (It is crazy for me to think that I was pregnant when Mia was just 10 months old! She never really had a good mom, cause I was sick on the couch for most of her life!:) Anyway, in the parking lot an older man asked if he could help me unload my groceries. I think it was harder for him to pick the groceries up than for me to, he was quite my senior. He said, "my mom always raised me to help a lady" it was so sweet, and made my day that someone was so kind. :) What a great mom he had!
Lastly about the weight. I have a friend or two who have discovered the same thing as I, it took me about 18 months after my kids were born for the weight to really show any progress in coming off. I really think that unless you are a natzy at the gym or something, it takes about that long for those lovely "curve enhancing" hormones to leave your body. :) You will get your body back. (except the stretch marks will be yours to keep!:) I thought about tattoing my kids name to each one they gave me, so that they are happy reminders.:) he he
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