Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A miracle has occurred for me today. Someone I love very much went blind about a month ago. He was able to see an eye specialist today who will be able to restore his sight in one of his eyes. As I've thought about this person living in a world of permanent darkness, I couldn't imagine what he must be thinking and feeling. We have fasted and prayed on his behalf all month. I am so overcome with relief and gratitude that I needed to share it with you. I know this person will receive his sight because of our faith in the Savior who truly can heal the blind. I am so grateful for the power of miracles in our lives. They occur every day and if we will but look more to God, we will be able to see them all around us.


Danielle said...

Very nice.

Danielle said...

Erin and I were already planning it. We were hoping you would be available Monday evening. We could drive up to you. I am excited to meet Jeremy and Clara.

Danielle said...

Okay, we are coming over on the seventh for dinner!