Monday, March 14, 2011

All About Clara

It's been a week - and this up and coming week is even better. But the great thing about my picture blog is that I take A LOT of pictures, so I still have things to post from this week that didn't make it on my picture blog. It just so happens that they all have Clara in them....

Clara came up to me and insisted that she wear a bib while she paints so that she "doesn't get all messy."I found Clara like this one day after she had been quiet for a little too long.The first thing Clara does every morning is ask me to wrap her up in a blanket. I love how snugly warm she looks.We have a tree out front that Clara always tries to climb. Look at that face of satisfaction and bliss when I finally let her climb it.Clara says the Pledge of Allegiance every Tuesday and Thursday in her preschool class. I love that she can now say it all by herself. (And yes, she can say it all by herself. For some reason she decides to get shy when I pull out the camera.)

Funny stories for this week:

  • Clara and I love to take walks. One day we walked by a bus stop and Clara really wanted to go sit on the bench. I let her for a little while, but I was afraid of a bus coming and thinking we wanted to get on. So I told her it was time to keep walking so that a bus wouldn't stop for us. That was a huge mistake. Clara LOVES busses and when she found out that a bus would stop for us if she sat there, it was really hard to get her off that bench. I started explaining to her that we needed money to ride the bus and I didn't bring any money with us that day. After pondering all of this she held out an empty hand and said, "I brought pretend money." I then said "Great, we can pretend to ride the bus." "No, I want to ride the real bus." "Sorry honey, the bus driver won't take pretend money." Clara very sadly got off the bench and walked next to me.
  • On that same walk, Clara was running far ahead of me. I explained to her that since we were walking on a busy road, she needed to stay close by. With all those cars, she could easily get hurt. Clara then said, "But if we get hurt, we can pray and Jesus will help us."
  • Clara almost always draws a picture during church. She uses it as a "map" as we walk home. She looks at her map, finds where we are at on it, figures out which direction we need to go next and then proudly announces "This way!" I then have to follow her in that direction. It makes me laugh.
p.s. Happy Pi day to all!!!!

1 comment:

Genevieve Beck said...

The Pledge of Allegiance completely made me day! I have no doubt she's very confident without the camera.