Monday, February 28, 2011

Bean Museum

Clara and her friend Taylor were able to go the Bean Museum this week. Taylor's mom had never heard of it before, so it was great to show her a free place to take her kids. Clara was a little nervous at first, but then after I told her that the animals wouldn't move, she was running around all over the place.Jeremy also brought home this 3x5 card of something he designed for work. I know lots of people ask what he exactly does. Mostly he designs a lot of random things that only the people he works for will ever see. So here is an example of that.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


A miracle has occurred for me today. Someone I love very much went blind about a month ago. He was able to see an eye specialist today who will be able to restore his sight in one of his eyes. As I've thought about this person living in a world of permanent darkness, I couldn't imagine what he must be thinking and feeling. We have fasted and prayed on his behalf all month. I am so overcome with relief and gratitude that I needed to share it with you. I know this person will receive his sight because of our faith in the Savior who truly can heal the blind. I am so grateful for the power of miracles in our lives. They occur every day and if we will but look more to God, we will be able to see them all around us.

Monday, February 21, 2011

New Dress

I've been in a funk lately. I'm not really sure what's wrong - other than I have no desire to leave my house. I just want to sit around and do nothing all day long. I haven't even done my tax returns yet and usually I have them done by Feb 1st.

Anyway, to try to help me get out of my funk, I decided to do a project. Hancock Fabrics is having a sale on their special occasion fabrics. So Clara and I walked there and she got to pick out some material for her dress. She wanted it sparkly. I figured she would pick pink, which she says is her favorite color, but she found this purple instead. I decided to get some black velvet for the bodice. Clara got to carry the sparkly purple material around the store as I looked for the velvet, thread, zipper, etc. When we finally got to the counter to get the material cut, Clara happily placed it on the counter, thinking we would pay for it. I told the woman how much fabric I needed and she started to cut the sparkly material first. Clara started crying and said, "You're not supposed to cut it, that's my dress." The woman and I started laughing and after I explained to Clara what was really going on, Clara was instantaneously happy again. Clara has been so excited about this dress. She watched me the entire time I was working on it. It was cute to have such a great little helper. So here is the final project.I think it turned out well. I let Clara try it on to make sure it fit. She was so excited she kept dancing around and around. Just look at that face. I think she likes it!She then insisted that Daddy be a prince and dance with her. I love it when Jeremy indulges Clara and dances with her.Clara loves to have picnics. She spreads out her blanket so carefully and then we all have to eat the food she fixes for us.Clara loves the camera. Anytime she notices me take a picture, she insists on seeing it on the camera. She loves to have me take picture of the two of us. I can't tell you how many of these pictures I have.She also has wanted to take pictures of me by herself. Most of the pictures come out like this:or this:but every once in a while we get a picture like this:
  • Clara woke up this morning and wanted to wear her new sparkly dress. I told her that it was just for Sundays. She had a funny look on her face and insisted that it was Sunday. I explained to her that today is Monday. Sunday is the day we go to church, and since we just went to church yesterday, it was going to be a long time before it was Sunday. She said, "But the sun is here today so it's Sunday today."

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

We have been celebrating Valentine's Day a lot here. Clara had a party for pre-school, a party for play-group, and then Jeremy and I had our day to celebrate. Clara has loved every minute of our celebrations. She loves hearts and the color pink, so this is her holiday. The funny thing is that she has yet to eat any of the candy she got. Instead, she digs through her valentines and colors on them. Hey, I'd rather her do that then eat the candy, so no complaints from me. As a side note, Clara loves this spot on our computer desk. It's become her chair and anything we place on it soon gets pushed off to make room for her. I have no idea how being that cramped is comfortable, but whatever makes her happy!

Also this week, we decided to have a family slumber party in our living room. I remember doing this as a kid and loved it. I think Clara is a little too young still since she really did think it was play time not sleep time, but at least she had fun. We watched a movie and ate snacks, and all slept out in the living room together. Tons of fun and I can't wait to do it again.Instead of doing random Clara sayings this week, I figured I would throw in these randoms things. Enjoy?

As I was looking at different news articles on line, I found this article entitled World's most Romantic Hotels. The interesting thing about this article is that the only hotel listed from the US is in Montana. It's even "close" to my hometown. (Close for MT is within 200 miles....) That brings up a random fact about me - I love reading news articles online. I will spend well over an hour each day just reading random articles. Thanks for letting me share!

So I mentioned on my other blog about It's a favorite site of Jeremy's that sells only 1 T-shirt, but changes every 24 hours. He makes it a daily habit to check out the shirt for the day. Usually it's things he loves - Star Wars, Video Games, Comic Book Heroes, etc. But I was shocked when this was the shirt of the day. It was the first one I was excited about! :)

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Tea Party

I just realized that I never posted on Monday. Oops. So here's my post for this week.

I find it's getting harder and harder to post on this blog. With my daily picture blog, I don't have very many pictures left for this blog. I also don't want repeat things because I don't want my readers to get bored. So I find I'm neglecting this blog. I guess I'll just have to make more of an effort because both blogs are very important to me.

So the only thing I have a picture of for this week (that's not already on my picture blog) is a fun little tea party that Clara and I had together. I had to take a picture of the table. Everything you see on it was placed there with a purpose. We had music playing on the CD player. And that boot with Abby Cadabby in it is actually a candle that was lit with a pencil. The tea pot has water in it and the coffee pot has juice. I'm sure Clara is quite confused why it's called a tea party when she's never had one with tea. And to top it all off, we both had to wear bibs - to keep our clothes clean, of course.

Clara's funny moments:

  • As I was doing dishes, I overheard Clara saying this:
"You have to take turns."
"But I had it first."
"No, I had it first."
"If you can't share then you can't play with it."

  • Clara and I were driving in the car when I stopped at a stop sign. Clara said, "S T Zero P says 'Stop.'"
"You're right, S T O P does spell stop."
"No, Zero comes next. S T Zero P is how you spell stop."

  • A very sad Clara came up to me (while Jeremy was working) and said, "My Daddy is lost."
  • Clara considers herself a big girl, which is great in a lot of ways. But she insists that she is a big girl and doesn't need to sit in a car seat - that's for babies. I explained to her that she's 3 years old and she has to sit in a car seat until she's 8 years old. I then talked about birthdays, getting older, and counting from 3 to 8. I thought that was the end of the conversation until a week later, as we were walking to the car, Clara had a sly smile and said, "I'm 8 years old!"
  • I've been working with Clara on learning our address. After having her repeat it several times, I told her that was our address. She looked at me and said, "A dress?" I explained to her the difference between the words dress and address, explaining that an address is where someone lived. Clara's response: "We don't live on a dress, we live on earth!"
  • We had the opportunity to stop by Jeremy's work this week. As we were leaving, Clara was very sad that Daddy couldn't come with us. She was crying as we left the parking lot and she said, "I love my Daddy." I said, "I love Daddy too." Clara's response, "No, I love Daddy." She's done this once before too, apparently we both can't love Daddy, so she does, not me.