Monday, November 26, 2012


We got to celebrate 2 Thanksgivings this year.  We had Thanksgiving dinner with Jeremy's family on Thursday and my family on Friday.  It was nice to be able to spend so much time with both sides of the family this year.

Clara was my big helper this year.  She insisted on helping me make all our assigned foods.
We had Jeremy's Thanksgiving dinner at a church building to accommodate everyone who was coming.  My favorite part was all the games we got to play after we all were full.  It was such a fun day.
I also loved that Clara had a ton of room to go play.  She spent most of her time with her cousin Caden, and her second cousin, Olivia.  We hardly ever saw these 3.
After dinner on Friday, we all decided to watch Brave.  Most hadn't ever seen it before.  There's nothing like relaxing and watching a movie when your belly is stuffed!  :)
And I had to take a picture of Joe's shirt.  He got it as a baby shower gift, and since it has to do with Thanksgiving, probably won't wear it a whole lot more! 
Clara was lying on our floor one night and wanted me to lay Joseph right by her.  It wasn't long before he was getting a lot of hugs and kisses!
Joe is getting so strong!  He can now hold his own weight on his legs, and he can almost sit by himself! (Love his face as he's standing....)
And since Clara refused to let us take pictures without her, she kept jumping in.  Oh how I love that she has to be the center of attention!

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