Monday, March 2, 2015

My Kids

With less than two weeks until my scheduled c-section, I've been taking things pretty easy, which means I haven't taken any pictures in a long time.  But since I missed posting last week, I didn't want to miss again.  So sorry for the picture-less post!

Clara has become little miss helpful the last few weeks.  I was secretly hoping this child would be a girl so Clara would have to share a room, and perhaps learn to be less selfish.  However, she has blossomed into such a thoughtful person these last few weeks.  I have loved seeing her selfless side come out.  She not only does everything I ask her with a smile, but she also has started to observe and do things I don't even have to ask.  She almost always clears my plate after dinner so that I don't have to.  She is constantly bringing me a pillow so I can rest my head, or a blanket so that I'm not cold.  I love my amazing, beautiful Clara!

Joe has started to say and do the funniest things.  We went to a cousin's basketball game the other night, and anytime either team would miss the basket, he would grunt as if extremely frustrated.  He loves to do everything by himself.  He insists on taking his coat off by himself, opening and closing doors by himself, getting buckled by himself, putting his own shoes on, etc.  Some of those things he can't quite do by himself yet and when he tries and fails, says, "Uhhh!  Can't do it!"
He's started to use the word 'actually' correctly.  Clara was trying to get him to trade toys with her, and he kept saying no.  When she finally stopped bugging him about it he said, "Actually, yes!" Or when I'll ask him what he wants to eat for a snack and he tells me something.  I'll start to get it out and he'll say, "Actually I want ....." and change his mind.  I love it.
He also says "What the heck" all the time.  I'm not sure where he picked that up because no one in our family says that on a regular basis, but it sure is funny to hear such a little guy say that frequently.
He is obsessed with vehicles in general.  Anytime he sees what he thinks is a cool truck out the car window, he'll say, "Mom! See that truck!"  We also have a lot of planes that fly over our house.  If he hears one he stops what he's doing, searches the sky until he sees it, and then stands there and watches it until it flies out of sight.  There is no distracting him from watching it no matter how hard I try to get him to keep walking, or get in the car, etc. 
Joe is still my super shy boy though.  He is such a huge chatterbox at home, but as soon as someone comes over, or we leave the house, it's pretty rare he will even make a sound.  He even knows when we are talking about him and gets obviously embarrassed.

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