Monday, January 17, 2011

The Hunger Games

I've been engrossed in reading The Hunger Games series. I started it last Monday and had all 3 books finished by Friday morning. I neglected way too much this week, but I'm grateful I started reading them when all 3 books were done so I didn't have to wait to see how it ended. I have to admit that I don't do well with violence. I heard these books were a little violent, but after reading the first one, I thought: "That wasn't so bad." The violence got worse with each book, but by then I was hooked. I'm grateful that I have a husband who is willing to let me cuddle up to him in the middle of the night when I would wake up from my nightmares. :) But over all, the series was good enough for me to be engrossed in every page of all 3 books!

Clara gave her first talk in Primary yesterday. She did such a good job and I was so proud of her for not being scared at all. Clara was so excited to get to talk into the microphone in primary that at 10 am, she wanted to go to church right then. We don't have church until 1, so it was a very long morning trying to keep her patient while we waited for church to start. I put more information on my picture blog, so click here for her talk and a picture.

More funny sayings. (I might make this a weekly thing because Clara is constantly making us laugh.)
  • Clara loves to "read" things. A few days ago, the shampoo bottle fell off the side of our tub as she was running to wash her hands after she went to the bathroom. After it fell, she said, "Oh no. I'm sorry." I told her that it was ok, just pick it up and put it away. As she picked it up, she said, "This says, 'This makes your hair smell good, with liberty and justice, amen.'"
  • I was wearing a shirt that just has words on it. She came up and read: "This shirt needs to go to Chuck E Cheese." She then instructed me that I needed to either take the shirt off or go to Chuck E Cheese.
  • Clara saw me curling my hair for church yesterday and wanted me to curl her hair. After her hair was done, she proudly announced that she was curly Shirley. (I have no idea where she has heard that - definitely not from me.) The entire rest of the day, anything she played with was curly Shirley just like her - including a belt!


Genevieve Beck said...

Yeah, I had no idea when I finished the 2nd book that the third one wouldn't come out for three more months. I didn't even know how to respond when I found out! Now I'm almost to the top of the list at the library so I'll be caught up soon.
Those are great Clara moments! I will try and think of liberty and justice when I wash my hair!

Carrrie said...

I read Hunger Games too! I am about to read the whole series again for fun because I felt like I flew through them way too fast! Glad you had a little time to read last week. Clara stories sure make me smile! :D I think I need to find a new shampoo with more liberty and justice and less dull and lifeless. ;)

Lori Ann said...

I went to Walmart at 4 am to get Mockingjay and THEY DID NOT HAVE IT! I am started screaming! I think I did curse the South and call the walmart to repentance and a few other things like that. With liberty and justice, amen!