Monday, June 22, 2015

Father's Day

A few of the MANY reason's why I love Jeremy:

1. He plays with our kids.  He's not afraid to get on the floor and join in their little world.  Whether that be a Little People Town, Cars, Trains, Littlest Petshop, or just coloring and drawing.
2. He treats me so well.  He continues to tell me I'm the most beautiful woman in the world.  I remember the first time he told me that.  We were dating and talking about getting married, but weren't engaged yet.  I laughed when he said it.  He looked so hurt, so we had a small discussion.  I remember thinking that I understood how he could think I was beautiful, but to say that I was the most beautiful person in the world was a hard thing for me to believe that he really thought that.  But I'm so grateful he continued to insist that he KNEW it was true.  I've come to truly understand that he really does think that and how so very grateful I am for an amazing person who can look past all my faults and only see the things that truly make me beautiful!

3. Our two extended families are very different from each other.  Jeremy has embraced my family wholeheartedly and loves them for who they are and how we do things.

4. He has a wonderful sense of humor that can get us through any tough time.

5. He gives the best hugs.

6. He is so easy to please.  It doesn't matter what present we pick out, I know he'll love it.
7.  He truly is my help meet in all that we do!  Thanks for saying yes when I asked you out, and thanks for continuing to ask me out!

1 comment:

Jeremy said...

Thanks so much for your kind words babe. I love you so much!