Monday, June 8, 2015

Summer Has Begun

Summer is in full force here.  I've made a chore chart for Clara, and the first few days she happily did each daily chore.  But now the newness is wearing off.  But on that list, I also gave her options of which chores to do so she can earn money. Clara really is such a big helper in so many ways though, I love how willing she is to take care of Jack when he cries.
Joe got his cast on this week.  He loved getting to choose the color.  I was so proud of how well he did getting his cast on.  He didn't complain once and just let the doctor do what he needed to.
We bought a summer movie pass and was able attend our first movie this week.  Even though we won't be seeing the new Disney movie, Clara wanted a picture of herself by it's display.
Since we got Joe a waterproof cast, we had to go swimming to test it out! 
Our little Jack continues to grow and grow.  I can't believe that he's already lost his newborn look.  Now we just need to get him off oxygen to see what he really looks like!  :)
We were also able to attend the birthday party for a nephew of ours.  He was born shortly after Jeremy and I got married.  One of the first times I met Beck family was when I attended the oldest niece's birthday party.  She was turning the same age as this nephew turned this week.  I remember thinking how "old" she was considering my oldest nephew was only 3 at the time. And now not only have I been married that long, but my little girl is almost that old as well!

1 comment:

Sharon Beck said...

Why don't you get to see Inside Out? Megaplex on Tuesdays is only $5.